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Cafe Psychologique – Pets

26th February 2019 - 8:00 pm

Introduced by Carol Martin, Clinical Psychologist and self-confessed cat owner.

Pets are clearly popular: over half of British Households own a pet, or are owned by a pet! But the BBC reported in 2017 that pet ownership is falling, mainly due to economic pressures and an increase in people renting accomodation where pets are not allowed. However, some people seem unable to live without their pets.

So much so that from the outside the relationship might not look just co-dependant, but that the owner is dependant on the pet. Certainly some pet owners lavish time, money and attention on pets that seem to hardly give them the time of day. Yes, we do mean cats. Other pets seem able to take over the household and all it’s disposable income in return for taking their owners out for a drag twice a day.

However, there are plenty of studies that show the psychological and physical benefits of pets, and plenty of evidence from pet owners that they find pets add pleasure and fulfilment to their lives, regardless of the demands and costs they bring with them.

This café will explore the psychology of owning pets and the nature of the relationships we form to pets – whether we love them or loathe them.

Chat and think over a drink. Café Psychologique builds on the idea of the Café Scientifique movement and other Café such as Café Philosophique.

Hosted by Chris Powell.


8.00 pm to 9.45 pm.  £4 on the door.

Event Details

26th February 2019
8:00 pm
£4 on the door
Event Category:
Seven Artspace
31(a) Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton, Leeds, LS7 3PD
0113 26 26 777

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